Taking a list of over 100+ attending companies at Money20/20 Europe in 2024, CCGroup’s Data & Analytics team used its media measurement tools to analyse coverage businesses secured in English language media.
To get an accurate picture of coverage, CCGroup identified what media attended the event via the event media list and partners page. Using this list CCGroup analysed coverage calling out Money20/20 Europe and measured the volume each company secured in the lead up to the event and the week following to understand how much noise was generated around the event.
As this research only covered a specific time period we understand that it does not capture a full picture of communications activity but rather provides a snapshot of media activity around the event.
CCGroup appreciates that media listening tools are not perfect and some coverage may be missed.
If you’d like to learn more about how this research was conducted please get in touch with the D&A team at CCGroup: [email protected]