As the biggest event in the broadcast calendar, anyone and everyone involved in TV and media will be showcasing their latest solutions, announcing their latest partnerships and sharing their vision for the industry to hear.
We’ll soon be launching some new research which reveals the challenges that lie ahead in the transition to IP networks for broadcast, which we conducted in conjunction with TVBEurope. As the world of media technology evolves, IBC is the perfect platform to see how the industry is coping with change. Aside from the technical challenges that will affect broadcasters’ businesses, the research reveals the opportunities for technology vendors. But it’s not all good news: one of the most significant challenges for broadcasters is identifying technology vendors, with more than half saying the task has now become harder.
This is a problem the media technology PR team at CCgroup have studied before. Last year we conducted some research to answer these questions, and how can vendors make themselves heard. Our Catalyst research shows that tradeshows like IBC are important as they give broadcasters the opportunity for direct conversation and contact with vendors. But having an armoury of marketing content is also necessary – things like case studies, white papers, analyst reports and webinars mean broadcasters can see proof of the claims vendors are making. If a vendor is also able to demonstrate that they understand a broadcaster’s business, empathise with what they are trying to achieve and the barriers they need to overcome, then they’re pretty much on their way to making a sale.
So whether you’re a provider of OTT streaming solutions, data analytics, DRM or MAM, it’s no easy feat getting your voice heard in the increasingly competitive market – let alone at one of the busiest times of the year. If you want to learn more about how broadcasters longlist, shortlist and make purchasing decisions, you can download our Catalyst report, ‘Successfully marketing and selling to broadcast service providers’, here.
We’ll be launching our latest research report just before the show, and are keen to hear the views and opinions from industry players on how they think IP is going to revolutionise the world of TV and media. If you want to have a first look at our new research, be sure to get in touch to arrange a meeting with CCgroup at the show.
But until then, with summer slowly coming to an end, the countdown to IBC continues…