Mobile & Telecoms

Marketing to telco decision makers: events not the only show in town

We’ve spent the last couple of weeks in a CCgroup marketing frenzy. It has been fun and hugely rewarding. First news of a massively exciting new client in BT Consumer, followed by the launch of our latest Catalyst paper ‘Navigating telco turbulence: lessons for vendor marketing.’

Our unique and exclusive insights into technology purchasing decision making within telcos has been extremely valuable to all vendor marketers looking to adapt to a COVID-19-impacted world. The banning of international travel and postponement of global industry trade shows has forced a vendor marketing rethink. Events like MWC Barcelona, Digital Transformation World and CES have been the focus of vendor marketing calendars for decades. They have brought together telcos and vendors en masse and either helped conclude deals or start new and exciting conversations. Yes, much of the valuable conference content can be recreated online, but the invaluable networking can’t be so easily replicated.

Telcos still need to buy technology – 5G remains in deployment phase, 4G continues to be upgraded, new market entrants continue to disrupt. Vendors can’t just sit and wait – they have a host of alternative marketing channels at their disposal.

But which of these channels have the greatest impact in building vendor awareness in the minds of telco buyers? Which will strengthen the chances of a vendor being selected for an RFP process? These are precisely the questions our paper answers, providing detailed analysis of the strengths of each channel.

So, what did we find out? Well, you can download the paper and see for yourselves here. If that doesn’t excite you especially, you can listen to the webinar recording here. If that becomes too much of a struggle, feel free to listen to me talk through the many highlights from the paper on the podcast, or read some of the fantastic articles that appeared across the trade media (in TelecomTV,, Mobile Europe or Disruptive Asia) and on social media (thanks Keith).

Please forgive the crude arrogance here – I just wanted to prove that a host of marketing channels can be combined for maximum effect if an organisation is focused on achieving a desired set of outcomes and plans accordingly.

PR consultancy in practicing what it preaches shocker.

Like so many others, I miss seeing friends, colleagues, acquaintances, clients and prospects at trade shows. I hope to see Mobile World Congress, Digital Transformation World, CES and more back to their physical best very soon. But let’s all reflect on what can be achieved in the here and now in generating traction with telco tech buyers and driving new sales opportunities.

If you need some help, just send me an email or send us a message.

Written by Paul Nolan


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