Money 20/20

Money20/20 Europe 2024 – What makes a successful submission?

Money20/20 Europe is one of the biggest fintech events on the planet. Unsurprisingly speaker slots are highly prized amongst fierce competition for a place on the agenda.

Why speak at Money20/20 Europe?

Anecdotal feedback from the organisers is stark – most companies are unsuccessful and historically only a small number of proposals submitted in full are accepted. Though the team could adapt your recommendations, so try not to be precious if they happen to suggest other names.

For 2024, the number of content opportunities will be significantly cut compared to the 150+ sessions available in 2023 – which means a chance to address the industry as the top-table of fintech, just got even more challenging.

The agenda has launched and themes are available to view here ahead of the speaker submissions opening from the 8th January next year.

We spoke to Gina Clarke, Europe Content Director at Money20/20 to understand how the submission process works, what is changing this year and the key ingredients for a successful submission.

How does the submission process work?

The submission process is being streamlined. No longer will there be separate submissions for speakers and content. This year both are to be submitted at the same time.

Submissions open on the 8th January and will close on the 27th January 2024.

Critically, the earlier a submission is made, the more time there is to discuss with the content team, refine and ensure the best chance of success. As such, the closer a submission is made to the deadline the less likely it will be successful.

Speakers who are accepted will be offered a pass at a discounted rate.

You can make as many submissions as you like. Most businesses will put forward two to three but really what matters is quality over quantity.

What’s changing this year?

The agenda

The agenda will see a significant chop in terms of sessions/speakers compared to last year.

Following delegate feedback this year, the team is keen on driving narrower, deeper conversations on stage that provide the audience with strong insights and pragmatic takeaways. This also allows for better Q&As and more relevant networking for speakers and delegates immediately after the session.

As ever the agenda will focus on core fintech themes – payments, banking, financial services – as well as reoccurring topics such as digital assets, insurance, Open Banking etc.

New for this year will be a wider set of fringe sessions – especially those focused on retailers and online merchants, again due to feedback from delegates.

The themes

This year, firms had to address how “Fintech gets real” looking at the shift to fundamentals that has characterised the industry this year.

Next year the overarching theme is “Human X Machine” which will explore how the fintech ecosystem will be transformed through collaboration between humans and machines.

In terms of the sub-themes to submit against, here’s the focus and the type of content that is relevant:

A customer universe of one (customers at the heart)

  • All about hyper personalisation and how everything leads back to the customer.
  • Content could focus on how departmental cross collaboration can help to create personalised solutions for customers.

The age of atomic finance (the technology behind finance)

  • All about the different technology modules that are driving innovation – think AI, blockchain, edge computing etc.
    • Regulation will also be covered by this sub-theme.
  • Content could focus on pragmatic applications of a key technology and how this has impacted end customers.

Meet the architects (who’s making this possible)

  • All about leaders which are the architects of change – those driving strategies or pioneering business models that are new and different.
  • Content could focus on how a number of fintech leaders have developed a different approach to customer acquisition.

Signal vs Noise (how to navigate the hype)

  • All about demystification and getting to core of hot topics and trends. If AI is the “noise” – what are the signals that audience needs to care about?
  • Content could focus on how the crypto noise has shifted to digital assets – and what the hot areas are to watch for those that can see beyond the ‘wild west’?

The business of money (profit and funding)

  • All about the business of fintech and most relevant to C-Level executives looking for insights into the economics of fintech
  • Content could focus on the key strategies to drive profitability in challenging macro-economic environment.

Money Crew

This year Money20/20 is looking for individuals that are subject matter experts to help guide the agenda, as well as act as MCs and moderators at the show – The Money Crew.

These are likely to be industry luminaries, influencers, analysts, journalists and commentators.

In exchange for their time in the run up to and at the show, those selected as part of Money Crew will get a free ticket to the event.

What’s critical to securing a slot?

The why

A reminder of one of the most important aspects of any submission. It’s all about the why.

Any submission must do two things to be successful:

  • Audience – Why will the audience get value from the session? What new things will they learn? What takeaways can then expect?
  • Company – Why do you want to speak at Money20/20? What is your objective? What impact on the industry are you striving for?

Money20/20 want contrary views, so they can put on dynamic panels, that really tackle big industry issues.

Unless you can answer the why question, across these two levels and for every session, you shouldn’t submit.

The who

Anyone can speak at Money20/20 Europe, and relevant speakers from non-finance firms are also welcomed.

Here are some guidelines for selecting a speaker:

  • New speakers – The team at Money20/20 wants to keep the agenda fresh and is looking for new and interesting views. Speakers that have spoken before will still be considered, but new speakers are preferred.
  • Expertise wins – The best speaker is the one that is most expert on that subject matter, which may not necessarily be the most senior.
  • Seniority is key – Preferably, speakers will be in a senior position, ideally C-Level executives. However, expertise trumps seniority.
  • Third party speakers – Panel submissions should include a range of speakers and a moderator. Unfortunately, the content team has been burned with late changes to high profile speakers. If you are proposing additional speakers, they need to be confirmed and contact details included in the submission.

While fireside chats can be submitted, keynotes cannot be pitched for and are invite only.

Finally, it’s highly unlikely that sales, business development or marketing executives will be accepted to speak.


The event’s diversity ratios have improved year on year with more female and BME subject matter experts on stage in 2023 than ever before. Panels should be 50:50 male/female, for example.

More widely, Money20/20 will be looking for diversity of ethnicity, age, disability etc. where possible.

Homogenous panels will not be accepted.

Follow the agenda

The Money20/20 Europe team will have completely built the agenda by the time the call for papers closes. Gina and the team will then ‘slot’ submissions into the framework they’ve created – so you must follow their themes.

There is not a lot of room for brand new ideas outside the themes.

Make announcements

Some of the industry’s largest developments that shaped the future of money have been launched at Money20/20 in the past.

They’re keen to have companies make announcements at the show in 2024. However, they have to be brand new and show stopping.

Save your biggest news for the show and share it with the whole industry.

Shortlist to making a submission successful

  1. Why – You must answer the why question – why does your submission matter to the industry?
  2. Who – Focus on the most qualified speaker, not necessarily the most senior
  3. Unique – Money20/20 want new case studies, the most intriguing personal journeys, and never-before-seen stats – if you’ve seen similar at another conference it isn’t good enough
  4. Collaborate – The best submissions are often in partnership with customers, partners, investors and advocates, look outside of your business
  5. Diversity – Diversity isn’t a nice to have, it is an essential to have a chance of speaking
  6. Announce – If you have major news, announce it at the show and make it part of your submission
  7. Speed – Speaker slots are highly competitive, the faster the better for success

We hope this blog is useful in understanding how best to approach speaker submissions at Money20/20 Europe.

Good luck!

Written by Daniel Lowther


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