
Crypto PR

At CCGroup we combine our Cryptocurrency PR expertise with robust strategies that cut through the noise in this nascent market.

Crypto PR Expertise

Understanding the evolving cryptocurrency market is critical for business leaders and marketers navigating the ever-changing world of blockchainDeFi and Web3. The crypto PR space is continuously changing due to new technologies and cryptocurrencies, as well as market movement that can instantly affect the direction of the business. With a finger on the pulse of the cryptocurrency industry, at CCGroup we have a team of PR experts and marketeers that understand the crypto market and can quickly adapt to marketplace demands in real time.

Crypto PR Capabilities

A successful PR strategy needs to do more than build awareness. At CCGroup, we combine our expertise and industry insight with robust strategies and implementation to cut through the noise in this nascent market. Our creative campaigns, media contacts and expertise make our clients standout, giving them a platform to shine a light on the issues they are trying to solve.

Results for Crypto Clients

We don’t just promise, we deliver. Over the last year, we have announced major partnerships with two of the largest crypto exchanges in the world on behalf of our BaaS infrastructure provider client, delivering over 50 pieces of tier one coverage in the crypto, fintech and payments press.

Daniel Lowther

Head of Fintech

Daniel Lowther

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