

Media, social media & SEO measurement

Measurement holds us accountable. By using data to track activities, we’re able to make gradual adjustments that improve our work… and your brand performance.

We’ve got more than three decades of experience as an integrated PR and marketing agency, as well as dozens of awards under our belts, including PRovoke EMEA Technology Consultancy of the Year 2023-2024. Our analytics services help some of the world’s most ambitious B2B tech organisations improve their industry reputation, drive customer acquisition and increase their market share through PR-led marketing across every channel.

Measurement knowledge & expertise

Most companies measure their media, social media and measurement performance at least a little. This is usually just benchmarking against their competitors so they get a picture of their place in the market. In media measurement, this is usually  Share of Voice (SoV), but there are equivalents within social and SEO measurement as well. While simple benchmarking such as this is useful, it only provides a partial picture and is often not against SMART KPIs.

Measuring impact needs to start at the beginning of a process with clear KPIs that are aligned with business goals. There needs to be transparency and clarity about what part of the marketing funnel needs to be impacted, with quality KPIs which give you a more accurate view of the quality of your output, whether that be media coverage secured, how your social posts are performing, or your SEO ranking.

Our measurement approach

We believe that in order to be accurate, the measurement process needs to begin by looking at the bare bones of your business, stripping back anything that might cloud our view. By understanding your core business ambitions, from here we can prescribe actionable objectives, strategies and KPIs that help improve your company’s awareness – whether that’s through engaging thought leadership, effective lead generation, reputation building or more.

By providing you with measurements of both the work we’re doing and the impact it’s having, we ensure transparency. We’re not just here to show you big numbers, we’re looking to see what’s working and what’s not, evolving our programmes to ensure business value is being delivered. Our data analysts sit right across the business, providing our PR and marketing teams with the tools and insights they need to deliver the right strategies.

  • Our Media, social media & SEO measurement services

    In B2B tech PR, integrating data into decision making has always been tough, especially when compared to the consumer space. But coverage, post performance and SEO measurement play an essential role in the buyer journey. Our data analysts believe that effective measurement of these metrics is key to the success of any campaign. Our services include:

  • Tier 1 Share of Voice (SoV) measurement

    Not all publications have the same reach or influence, so simply measuring your share of voice against all competitors doesn’t make sense if you’re looking to improve the quality of your coverage. By measuring against SoV – or tier 1 media only – you’ll start to move the needle for your business.

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  • Search impact measurement

    When people want answers, they use a search engine. Measuring the volume of people searching for your brand, and comparing against marketing and PR activity taking place we can analyse which announcements are cutting through the noise, and what needs improving.

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  • Search Engine Results Page (SERP) measurement

    When a site or publication mentions your business online, search engines capture this information. Stories about your company let search engines know how relevant your business is, and rank it highly as a result. By measuring SERP, you can directly see the impact of coverage, and adjust it accordingly.

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  • Estimated readership and viewership measurement

    Readership and viewership statistics are a vanity metric within PR, but they still provide an essential barometer of how well your posts or stories are performing. This is why it’s important when measuring these figures to be as accurate and transparent as possible, by using third party tools which take into account the size of the publication, its social figures we can gauge estimate the true engagement of a single piece of coverage, rather than relying on the circulation figures of a whole publication.

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  • Spokesperson social growth measurement

    Your thought leaders and spokespeople are one of your biggest assets when it comes to driving engagement with your brand on social media. After all, people buy from people. Measuring this engagement allows you to see how positively or negatively your spokespeople are viewed, and whether their voice needs a boost.

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  • MQLs

    When there is no news we want to create it. Working in collaboration with research firms we create world class research whitepaper to uncover trends which may impact your business. These whitepapers are ‘hero assets’ which can be used across the marketing mix. Taking into account the number of downloads we can work with your marketing teams to qualify the leads and measure the impact it’s having on the middle funnel.

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Why choose CCGroup?

Connect Communication & Growth

At CCGroup we’re all about Connection, Communication and Growth.

Through people-centric best-in-class PR-led marketing, we drive the future success of B2B technology brands. We have unparalleled industry expertise across mobile & telecoms, fintech, cybersecurity and enterprise technology. Our 30+ year PR heritage means we’ve been there for some of these sectors’ biggest developments, telling their stories as they’ve grown and evolved among the ever-changing business landscape.

Our journey so far has equipped us with the foresight to predict future technology trends, ready for whatever the fast-paced world of technology throws at us. And our integrated, channel-agnostic, audience-centric approach allows us to tailor our services to the needs of our clients, no matter their size or scale of their project. All of our ideas are creative, structured and effective, from traditional PR, to media relations, to content creation and marketing services.



PRovoke Media - EMEA Technology Consultancy of the Year

2023, 2022, 2021 & 2020

PRmoment - Technology Agency of the Year

2023, 2022 & 2020

PRmoment - B2B Agency of the Year

Media, social media & SEO measurement explained

Why does measuring media, social media and SEO matter?

If you’re not measuring the effectiveness of your PR or marketing campaign, you’re just yelling into the night and hoping for a response. After all, without data, it’s impossible to see how well a media, social media or SEO strategy is working. By harvesting this data and analysing it for insights, an actionable strategy can be drawn up to improve the effectiveness of your messaging, whether this is through placed thought leadership, or something as simple as a post on LinkedIn or Twitter. You’ll also have the right tools to adjust your campaign when necessary, by seeing what’s striking a chord and what’s not.

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What does effective measurement look like within B2B?

While consumer industries can rely on more straightforward measurements of direct engagement with their audiences, B2B PR and marketing has a tendency of overreliance on vanity metrics like reach and social followers. While big numbers can be impressive, it’s an unfortunate fact that they don’t always translate to business value or converted sales. Effective media, social media and SEO management then, needs to be undertaken with the right tools and the right approach. By measuring actionable metrics, rather than big numbers, you’ll be able to directly see the impact your campaigns and messaging are having on your business

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What role does media, social media and SEO measurement have within marketing?

It’s clear from our catalyst research that media coverage and an effective social strategy play an integral role in the B2B tech buyer journey. And without a well thought out approach to SEO, it’s likely not many are even going to see what you’re saying. Media, social media and SEO measurement provides vital touchpoints and insights that your marketing, sales and digital teams can utilise to transform data into leads and sales. Put simply, simply measuring your performance can have a profound knock-on effect on your business strategy.

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Challenges & opportunities

While an effective media, social media and SEO measurement strategy can create a great deal of touchpoints for your teams to analyse, there’s also the potential to feel overwhelmed. Without the right data and the right tools to analyse that data, it can feel like an impossible task to try and pinpoint how a brilliant piece of coverage has impacted your bottom line, or whether a viral social post has actually resulted in any new leads.

But putting in place a robust strategy, that cuts out vanity statistics such as SoV and that’s underpinned by an analysis-driven mindset, your PR and marketing efforts have the potential to reach a new level of efficiency. You’ll be able to cut the wheat from the chaff and prioritise tactics that help you achieve your business goals and ambitions.

Contact us

To find out more about the media, social media and SEO measurement services we can provide, or if you’re looking for a B2B tech specialist marketing agency to work with you or for you, we’d love to hear from you.