
Enterprise Tech

We build stand-out marketing campaigns for our enterprise technology clients. We are tightly focussed on their target audiences’ pain points and their own business goals.

Enterprise technology knowledge

CCGroup has been running and executing PR and marketing campaigns targeting Enterprises for more than a decade. We bridge the gap between sales and marketing and enhance the role marketing plays in achieving growth and recognition within tech businesses. 

We understand the different nuances of the business and enterprise audiences and have a highly envied breadth of experience. From CIOs and CISOs to MSPs and heads of any business department, in a wide range of vertical industries, we’ve got it covered.

Enterprise technology expertise

We build stand-out messaging for our clients, tightly focused on their target audiences’ pain points and their own business goals. We then use our lengthy experience in these sectors and data-driven audience insight programme ‘Catalyst’ (see the latest reports below) to develop thought-provoking, headline-grabbing and impactful multi-channel content that builds thought leadership positions.

Get in touch with our Enterprise Tech specialists

If you are an Enterprise Tech vendor looking to connect to in-depth industry experience, communicate a clear point of distinction and grow your industry influence and customer base then we'd love to hear from you.