Following several years of success working with CCGroup to produce and distribute the regular “Battle to Onboard” report, looking at consumer attitudes to customer acquisition, Signicat was keen on a fresh approach for 2024.
- Position Signicat as an expert on an emerging threat to financial services providers, and with the technology to handle the threat of sophisticated AI-based fraud.
- Launch a creative that would support follow-up marketing campaigns and drive marketing qualified leads (MQLs).
- Create a report that would get attention at the biggest financial services event of the year, Money 20/20 Europe
- Commission research into AI identity fraud, an underexplored aspect of both fraud and AI. This is a fresh topic, relevant to financial service providers, but not driven entirely by overhyped trends.
- Partner with a third-party expert, Consult Hyperion, to develop the report, “The Battle Against AI-driven Identity Fraud”, based on a survey of financial service providers across Europe.
- The report puts AI-driven identity fraud into context with the state of fraud more generally. It examines whether fraud teams are prepared to meet this new threat, and includes a specific look at the rise of deepfakes
- Launch the report at Money20/20 to bring attention to Signicat and arm its sales and marketing teams with data to lead conversations with potential prospects.
- Target fintech, cyber, IT and AI-focused publications to maximise Signicat’s coverage and drive prospects to download its report.