Through the international network of enterprise mobile devices that its unique technology scans, Wandera had detected 16 popular apps and mobile websites that were leaking unencrypted Personally Identifiable Information (PII) due to a single and common design flaw. This vulnerability was dubbed ‘CardCrypt’.
After notifying and working with the companies involved according to responsible disclosure, Wandera felt that it was very important to make users aware of the flaws so that they would not be at risk.
While the strength of the initial headline of poorly-designed apps leaking PII was obvious, CCGroup had to ensure that any press campaign would also deliver commercial impact in both the UK and the US. This meant that a message had to be constructed that not only made the most of a dramatic core story but also promoted the superiority of the Wandera platform and made the story relevant to the enterprise IT audience.
CCGroup and Wandera’s marketing team worked together to quickly build the materials for an integrated campaign, including press materials for the US and UK media, an infographic, blogs and a data sheet with details of the threats’ technical analysis which was made available on the Wandera website. All of these materials highlighted how the detection of these threats was only possible due to Wandera’s exceptional technology and emphasised the danger of these and similarly vulnerable apps to enterprises’ commercial data.
Social media posts were also scheduled in advance and supplemented with live updates, and an email campaign was distributed to Wandera’s customers, partners and prospect databases.
The press release was issued under embargo to key media contacts, including those who were already aware of Wandera through the extensive press office activity in the previous months. On the day of the story launch, CCGroup fielded a high volume of inbound media enquiries, providing further comment and arranging multiple short notice briefings with Wandera spokespeople.