Opera Software, perhaps better known for its mobile web browsers, wanted to use the TV Connect industry trade show as an opportunity to boost awareness of its Opera TV division and its technology portfolio. Though Opera TV has achieved success with a traditional broadcast customer and device manufacturers, it felt there was more opportunity to grow its visibility with a customer prospect base and the broader TV industry. For TV Connect, it wanted to drive interest in the latest version of its software development kit, new features for its TV Store apps-for-TV storefront, and also its TV Snap app-building tool for broadcasters and content owners. However, none of these products were brand new and there were no other news announcements scheduled for the show. The PR challenge was, therefore, to gain enough interest amongst media and analysts to warrant briefings.
Without news announcements to drive a timely reason to meet, CCGroup conducted desk-based research into pertinent industry issues on which Opera TV could comment. CCGroup worked with Opera TV executives to articulate its response to, or opinion on, these issues, reframing them as three compelling narratives focused on Pay TV operators, content owners, and device manufacturers as key customer audience groups. By developing a number of alternative narratives across a range of issues, we were confident that we could provide an insightful contribution to most issues that journalists & analysts would be covering.