

Qualitative customer research

Qualitative industry surveys can be a very effective marketing research tool which gives a more in-depth understanding of your customers e.g. when they are in market, what they think of your product and why they think that way.

Our PR-driven marketing is centred around our fully integrated approach as an agency. Over more than 30 years, and with dozens of awards under our belts – including PRovoke EMEA Technology Consultancy of the Year 2023-2024 – we’ve helped some of the world’s most ambitious B2B tech companies improve their reputation, drive customer acquisition and increase their market share. Qualitative customer research and analysis is an essential part of our offering.

Qualitative research knowledge & expertise

Without an understanding of your customer’s behaviours and preferences, any marketing effort your business makes will be a stab in the dark. Consumer research helps you understand the needs and wants of your audience, allowing you to measure how effectively you’re addressing their interests and concerns. By gathering data through qualitative customer research, we’re able to help you paint a better picture of what your customers think about your products and brand, as well as wider industry developments and trends. 

Through qualitative customer research, we’re able to see the needs, motivations and pain points of your customers, as well as the attributes they’re looking for in a B2B tech vendor. From here, we’re able to recommend how your marketing strategy can be adapted and built out to address these specific customer demands.

Our qualitative research approach

Our qualitative research approach is centred around the fact that you cannot gain insight from data alone. While qualitative customer research offers you crucial knowledge of your customers’ thinking and reasoning, unless it is backed up with a broader statistical view of their actual actions, it can be hard to decipher true meaning.

It’s for this reason that we combine our qualitative research with quantitative investigation, as well as thorough data examination, to build a holistic analysis strategy that more accurately reflects both what your customers are thinking and whether they’re acting in accordance. All of this data is backed up by the findings from our brand catalyst reports, which paint a broader picture of the state of the industry. All of this information together means we can present you with actionable insights that make a real difference to your marketing strategy.


About our qualitative research services

Our team of marketing services specialists are experts in qualitative customer research, using the unlocked insights to scope out both how your current and prospective customers feel about your brand and offering, and the state of the wider industry. Combined with the objective conclusions of our qualitative research services, this subjective data can be used to present a holistic view of both your brand and your industry.

Why choose CCGroup?

Connect Communication & Growth

At CCGroup we’re all about Connection, Communication and Growth.

At CCGroup we’re all about Connection, Communication and Growth. Through people-centric best-in-class PR-led marketing, we drive the future success of B2B technology brands. We have unparalleled industry expertise across mobile & telecoms, fintech, cybersecurity and enterprise technology. Our 30+ year PR heritage means we’ve been there for some of these sectors’ biggest developments, telling their stories as they’ve grown and evolved among the ever-changing business landscape.

Our journey so far has equipped us with the foresight to predict future technology trends, ready for whatever the fast-paced world of technology throws at us. And our integrated, channel-agnostic, audience-centric approach allows us to tailor our services to the needs of our clients, no matter their size or scale of their project. All of our ideas are creative, structured and effective, from traditional PR, to media relations, to content creation and marketing services.

  • “By researching how your customers feel about both key industry topics and your brand, actionable insights can be drawn up to build a better offering”

    Dan Miles, Director of Marketing Services - CCGroup

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PRovoke Media - EMEA Technology Consultancy of the Year

2023, 2022, 2021 & 2020

PRmoment - Technology Agency of the Year

2023, 2022 & 2020

PRmoment - B2B Agency of the Year

Qualitative customer research explained

What is qualitative research?

Research broadly falls into two categories: quantitative which is more objective and usually numerical, and qualitative which is more about the subjective views of both current and prospective customers, and key players in the wider industry. Where quantitative is more about cold hard facts, qualitative research is more interested in open-ended questions, attempting to dive deeper into how exactly respondents feel. This is usually undertaken through one-on-one interviews, client meetings and buyer behaviour insight reports that deliver information on the key needs and pain points of customers, as well as their broader values, ethics and attitudes.

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Why is qualitative research important in marketing?

Customer insights are absolutely essential in marketing. Without having some idea of how your customers feel about you, your competitors and industry developments, then how could you possibly engage them effectively? While there is certainly value in the large fact-finding missions seen in quantitative research, the generally smaller sample size of customer-driven qualitative research allows a free, in-depth and more open discussion of the important topics that your marketing efforts need to address, ultimately helping you see the deciding factors that are influencing their behaviour.

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Why should qualitative research and quantitative research be used together?

Both qualitative and quantitative research have their strengths and weaknesses. By combining the objective with the subjective, a more holistic view of your brand, products and the wider industry can be provided. This will inevitably lead to stronger results, as you’ll be able to see not only what customers are doing, but their reasoning as well. For example, if you were to rely purely on qualitative data, you might find that customers are averse to a certain price point. But add in quantitative research, and you might see that they’re willing to pay a little more for a quality product or additional service.

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Challenges & opportunities

While qualitative customer research allows you to gather more personal insights into the factors influencing your audience, this intimate approach takes time.

Generally smaller sample sizes also present challenges around sample bias, as those who volunteer their views will generally be the most outspoken of your audience. The more open-ended style can also make it more difficult to accurately interpret the data gathered. However the insights gathered are essential in understanding your audience, and crucially grant you the opportunity to industry identify trends ahead of time, ultimately helping make your marketing efforts more proactive than reactive. Of course, while qualitative data is important, the best approach is to combine these efforts with both quantitative research as well. Combining both these data sets allows you to offset the pitfalls of each method when used individually.

Contact us

To find out more about the quantitative and qualitative agency services we can provide, or if you’re looking for a B2B tech specialist marketing agency to work with you or for you, we’d love to hear from you.